Dates: Tuesday July 2, 9, 16, 23, 20, August 6​
Time: 1:00-3:00
Who: Ages: 6-8 years
Where: Gathered and Grown Family Farm
Cost: $110 +GST
What: Blooms is aimed at helping children develop an adventurous spirit. During our time together we will meet the animals and learn how to care for them, explore our gardens, taste new things, build, paint, and play. Blooms will offer ample time for participants to explore self directed play with our many discovery centres. This is our first ever un-parented program and we can't wait to learn and grow together.
Payment: Payment can be made by e-transfer to suzanne@gatheredandgrown.ca or by credit card through the website with a 3% service charge.
​Commonly Asked Questions
Are parents or siblings welcome?
This is a drop-off program, that means parents and siblings are not welcome to join us.
What happens if the weather is bad?
Farm School is an all weather program that runs rain or shine. We have options to move our classes into the greenhouse to provide shelter from poor weather. If the weather poses a risk (severe weather) the Farm School director will make a decision to cancel in the best interest of everyones safety. We do not offer credits or refunds for classes missed due to poor weather.
We aren't able to make all of the classes, can someone take our spot?
Unfortunately only our parented classes allow for someone to take you place. With un-parented programs (Blooms and Jr Farmers) you are not able to give your spot to someone else while you are away.